
Health and Safety

Health and safety are of the utmost importance for both the pet and myself as a groomer. My goal is for your pet to be calm, comfortable, and cooperative for the grooming process. If they show signs of stress I will slow down and may not be able to complete the groom to perfection. Should I determine a pet is unsafe to groom for any reason I will end the service and the client will be charged for whatever services were completed. I will care for your pet to the best of my abilities and notify you of anything out of the ordinary. However, I am unable to diagnose or treat any veterinary conditions. Grooming is unpredictable by nature, as a pet owner you assume these risks. Any veterinary expenses for conditions caused or uncovered by grooming will be the pet owner’s sole responsibility. In the event of an emergency, I will contact you immediately and can assist you in transporting your pet to a veterinarian if needed.   


My schedule is usually booked at least a month or two in advance. Appointments are scheduled for a certain day and the time will be adjusted to allow for the most efficient routing. Four (4) days prior to your appointment you will receive an automated confirmation text with an approximate arrival window. Working with animals is unpredictable by nature, some dogs require a little more time and TLC in order to have a positive experience. I will communicate any potential delays in appointment times should they arise. I encourage all of my clients to keep their pets on a regular maintenance schedule so they are always looking and feeling their best. After your first grooming appointment, I will advise you on a recommended schedule based on your pet’s coat type, your desired style, and how much brushing/combing is done in between grooming. Please book your next appointment in advance, well before it becomes an emergency.   

Cancellations/No Shows

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please notify me 48 hours in advance. You must contact me directly at 804-547-1222, please do not reply to the automated confirmation message- that number is not monitored. If no advance notice is given, a non-refundable deposit equal to 50% of the full grooming service price may apply to reschedule. If I arrive at an appointment and nobody is home to release your pet, you will be charged a no-show fee that is equal to 50% of the full grooming service price. The no-show fee and a non-refundable deposit will be required in order to book a future appointment. In the unlikely event that I need to cancel an appointment due to equipment failure, personal emergency, or inclement weather, your reschedule date will be my top priority.

"Latch Key" Appointments

If you are unable to be home or are unavailable during your appointment time, I can still groom your pet as long as I can have access to them. Please let me know in advance if you would like to take advantage of this service so I know how to be able to enter your home (spare key, door code, garage door opener, etc.) Please have your pet confined to a kennel or small room so they can’t run and hide.


All pets are required to have a current rabies vaccine by the state of Virginia. All clients are required to provide current proof of rabies vaccination by a veterinarian, tags will not be accepted. 


Before and after pictures will be taken of all pets for record keeping. These images may be used for promotional purposes. Please let me know if you would not like your pet’s pictures shared publicly.   

Pets with Special Needs, Including Aggression

Clients are required to disclose any pre-existing medical conditions, behavioral issues or bite history of their pet. Failure to do so may result in refusal of service. I reserve the right to refuse service at any time to protect my personal health and safety, as well as the health and safety of your pet. Bites will be reported to local authorities and the owner will be liable for any medical expenses and/or property damage. Previous behavioral or medical issues will not automatically disqualify your pet; however, I need to know their history in order to care for them to the best of my abilities. This may result in a referral for grooming under the supervision of a veterinarian. Please update me if your pet’s medical or behavioral history has changed since your last appointment.


If you are unsatisfied with my grooming services for any reason, please notify me immediately. I will be happy to address any concerns you may have, including a free minor alteration of a haircut if notified within 24 hours. Unfortunately, I am unable to offer refunds for services rendered but I can make adjustments for future appointments. Please be as specific as possible about how you would like your pet to be styled, your satisfaction is my top priority.

Matted Pets

Matting is common in pets with long hair that is fine, curly, or wavy, or in pets with double coats. Matting is tangled hair that becomes clumped together. Hair in high friction areas generally becomes tangled first, for example: underneath a collar or harness, behind the ears, groin, armpits, and feet. Matting can also be caused by impacted undercoat in double coated breeds, this includes doodles. If tangles or undercoat are not brushed out, more and more hair becomes trapped together, getting closer and tighter to the pet’s skin. If not removed, matting reduces air flow and circulation to the skin and becomes uncomfortable for the pet. This increases the likelihood of skin infection or irritation caused by trapped urine/feces, bacteria, fungus, or parasites, as well as bruising.

Matting is 100% preventable with regular grooming maintenance. It is the pet owner’s responsibility to keep their pet’s coat free from matting by regularly brushing and combing all the way to the skin. Pet owners that are unable or unwilling to comb their pet themselves are encouraged to keep a regular schedule with a professional groomer.

I practice humanity over vanity and I will not cause pain or discomfort to your pet in order to save any length of hair. Minimal matting can be removed by brushing or splitting (aka dematting) for an additional $10 fee. Dematting services are not recommended for frequent use as it can damage the coat and cause it to become matted more often. Pets that are intolerant to dematting or require more than 10 minutes of dematting will need to be shaved. Pets with moderate to severe matting will be charged an additional fee of $15-30 for a shave down prior to receiving a full grooming service. This may dramatically alter your pet’s appearance. Shaving matted coats may reveal underlying health conditions that had previously been hidden by the coat. Shaving matted coats also increases the risk for grooming related injuries such as nicks, cuts, irritation, or abrasion. In addition, closely shaved pets are at an increased risk for sunburn and self-inflicted scratches or abrasions. Any veterinary costs caused or exposed by grooming will be at the pet owner’s sole expense.

Matting is preventable by proper grooming maintenance; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I would be happy to instruct you on proper grooming tools and techniques to keep your pet matt free in between appointments.